Sunday, November 25, 2007

Final Week!

Well, Thanksgiving was a blast.  I managed to gain only 3 lbs after two Thanksgiving feasts.  I am, however, anxious to start getting back into shape.  Lindsey can't wait to start working out after the baby is born so together, hopefully we can rekindle my desire to staIMG_2249y in shape.  So, we have literally six days until the baby is born.  The doctor was concerned about the baby's heart beat for a little while.  When Lindsey went in for her weekly check-up, the baby's hear beat was a little bit slow so she had Lindsey go to the hospital for further monitoring.  The baby is ok, but if it continues, the doctor wants the baby out by this Friday which is only a couple of days before the due date anyway.  Either way, we are very excited. 

So, we got our Christmas tree.  We strongly recommend a noble pine tree.  They last longer and have more of that Christmas tree look.  We kept an eye out for good trees and good prices and we found a seven footer for $45.  I think that's pretty good considering our first tree was only 6 feet and cost us $80.  Well, as we go into this Christmas holiday, we want to wish all who come to our blog a very merry Christmas and hope that your home is filled with the Christmas spirit.  And once the baby is born, we'll be sure to update the blog with pictures and a name.  

Sunday, November 11, 2007

20 Days and Counting!

Well, Lindsey is officially over with the baby showers.  Now all we have left is the baby!  We want to express our thanks to all those who came in our support.  The gifts are amazing.  The baby's nursery is jam packed with clothes, toys, diapers, and lots of other fun baby things.  A neighbor of ours, who was only 12 days ahead of Lindsey, had her baby Saturday morning...on her bed!  The baby literally came unexpected and her husband had to deliver the baby.  That kind of puts into perspective how close we really are.  So, I suggested from now on that we sleep on plastic, just in case.  Lindsey and I are thinking of either naming Calvin or Sawyer with Benjamin as a middle name.  We think that we'll just wait till he comes and see what he looks like and decide then. 

Well, Lindsey and I find it hard to believe how fast time has gone by this year.  We can't believe that Thanksgiving is nearly here.  Each week seems to pass so fast.  I often complain at how short the weeks are and how there just isn't enough time to get done everything we want done.  I guess that's just how time flies when you're having fun!