Each summer, I try to recommit myself to nature with a renewed desire for life in the outdoors. I don't know what happened but this year, I failed miserably. I am not proud to say that I have not been camping or hiking this year yet. I really love the outdoors. At one point I considered myself to be quite the outdoors man and now, Lindsey thinks of me as nothing more than a city slicker. I have all the equipment anyone would need but I'm just missing the commitment. I do go Jeeping a lot and some of you would consider that outdoors, and I do to, but its not the same. I'm talking about doing a weeklong camping trip, or hiking Timpanogas, or even just an overnighter up AF Canyon. I can only imagine that it will more difficult as life continues on. I've got to get something figured out.
So, on a more interesting note, the stock market has had some interesting twists and turns these last few weeks. In case some of you don't know or in case you have noticed but can't explain what's going on, our economy is facing somewhat of a credit crunch. Allow me to explain. Back in the late 70's, lending institutions ran into a problem that disabled them to lend money. It eventually got to the point where there was no more money to be lent out to the consumer. There are fears that we could be approaching the same thing. The reason why this has a negative impacton the economy is because when lending institutions aren't able to lend out money, consumers (you and me) aren't able to buy things like a home, a car, appliance, or simply put, the things that people would normally finance. If we are then unable to get financing for those kinds of things, that in turn slows down the economy in many sectors. But don't worry. These kinds of things are healthy for the economy and the stock market. It also presents great buying opportunities in stocks and options. If you have any questions or would like further explanation, just let me know.
I feel your pain. Jonny and I have been craving a good back-packing trip for a year now. Well, now we will have to wait until Julia is up to it! But hey, maybe we could all go up AF canyon one night? At this point, even an evening of hot dog and mallow roasting would satisfy.
P.S. I hope Linds is doing well. Before you know it, the baby will be on the outside. And that is MUCH more fun!
It was sure fun having you at our house this week. It is always fun having everyone together for a good time. I wish we could all get together more often. Our family is growing like crazy, and I know everyone is so busy, but lets keep trying. I am so excited for your little boy on the way. What a fun Christmas you'll have this year.
Sure love you!
Aunt Lorna
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